i think my tagboard has some problem with it, right?
Anybody encounter problems with it?
I can't seem to post my replies. ):
Sooooo, I'll reply here!
Averral: Hey babe, It was nice meeting you too! :D
Yay, see you at the event tmr! hehehe
Kelynn: Haahahs, are you the kelynn who added me on facebook?
I was like approving approving my requests,
and i saw a kelynn and i stopped there for my 10secs
and thought how come kelynn sounds so familiar,
and i realized ohhh. from my blog! :x
Hahahas, currently my hair does not have a "style"
it's a pile of mess.
Lol, raymond wanted me to grow it out abit
then go back then can change style already! Yay! :D
Sher: Hahahas, got so long meh?
I'm lemming for some candddddies too.
Heeheh, wait for boyf come back then see luh,
maybe can use his credit card to order!
if can i'll prolly open another candies spree.
I want my icebreeeeeakers!
Siewyin: Really meh!
Hahahas, i think i hardly wear white!
Ann: Eh, i started from doing a Hair Advert?
then my contact got passed on to more and more photographers :x
Mymelody: Hahahs, that is actually not the one i wanted!
The one i wanted is the newest from Sony,
but i dunno why the hell i couldn't find a picture. ):
So i randomly pick one. lol.
Anyway i think you shouldn't buy Casio's camera.
I'm using my boyf's now (his is a casio)
Sucks big time! The flash ah, godness.
Passerby: huh, so sad..
I really can't imagine any of my guinea pigs getting sick.
Wahh! you got so many too! Hahahahas,
luckily cos the guinea pig is boyf and i share one,
Then he normally will buy their food.
And we don't use cat litter, use re-washable fleece.
So expense not so high!
Wahhh imagine both my cages use cat litter.
I think one week i will use two big pack already. -.-
Nicole: Hahahs, i haven't seen you for a long time!
Hello everybody!
I finally went to make my 1st pair of contact lens ever!
I bought one year supply of clear contacts from Ciba Visions.
So funny lah, the sales assistant thought i was wearing
big eye lenses. (Cos i've got kinda big eyes)
And she was like "Girl, take off your big eye lens 1st can?
Or else how to check your degree?!"
Hahahahas, ZzzZzz.
and my degree went up 50 degrees on both side.
So it's like left, 100, right, 250.
Pouts. ):
And i took like 10 mins to pop in my lenses for the 1st time!
and i was so dizzy! I think cos too long nvr have
super clear vision or something? :x
I'm so red and itchy all over, I hate mozzies!
I'm so super stupid lah, Yesterday went to chalet at Changi SAF chalet.
Right behind the chalet is Old Changi Hospital. =/
Ok, i've counted, 15 mozzie bites.
Haahahs but anyway, I had a great great great time!
It was Randall & Kwanleng's birthday celebration.

Anyway, i was like so super nervous, yet like shy
at the same time when i just reached the chalet.
Cos it's been what, 1 & 1/2 years since i saw everybody?
I haven't seen all my classmates every since we graduated loh!
Don't say Florella luh, and Florella Ang last minute
tell me she's not going loh! @#$%^&
Yesterday morning she texted me: "Hey fidelis, I forget to
tell you that i just depart ytd and i'm overseas now,
can't go to the chalet with you, and i know you want to kill me now!"
Clever uh, still know i want to kill her already. -.-"
But anyway, i think everyone is still more or less the same,
in fact, everyone seemed so much nicer leh?!
And the BANG BANG game. Really pisses me off man!
Jonathan & his #$%^&*'s clue.

Sing birthday song, smash cake into face, blah blah the usuals!
And omg can, i didn't take any pictures of the "cake smashing"
cos i was busying running around from randall & his cake.
But obviously, in the end i got "cake-ed" by the birthday boy :x
In fact, everybody also kena loh!
Smelly Fanglin lah! hahahahas.
Then after the bbq we went out the changi village to eat. (Eat AGAIN?!)
Hahahahs, Then i saw so many transexuals! :x
So pretty lah, can i have their legs?
Really envy leh! I'm not even trying to be sacastic.
How come their legs so slim and long ah!
And we went back to the chalet and there's this weird uncle
sitting at the bus stop, with like 5 cats sitting around him,
And i'm positive that those cats are strays loh.
It's like weird lah. So scary :x
Randall's mum is like really funny lah!
we were playing games and she keep making us drink!
I hate beer can, really hate beer.
But they were like mixing beer and Black Label/Chivas
Goodness. And i lost 3 times? I'm a really lousy drinker!
CMI one!
And randall's friend,
Howard was like: "Eh, you're from St Francis Sanctuary
Play Center right? (My kindergarden, private school)"
Me, blur face: "Erm, yah how you know?!"
Howard: " I'm your classmate lah!
You always hangout with Josephine one right!"
Me, super shocked: "OMG, Kindergarden thing how you rmb so clearly?!
Who the hell is Josephine?!
I don't even rmb and you can remember?!"
Howard, laughing: "Hahahas, you still look the same!
Same hair, same face!"
Oh my goodness lah, how come anyone
can have such a good memory?! I can't believe it.
And can recognize me still!? I nvr change at all meh?!
My stupid scanner is down.
Next week when boyf comes back,
I'll scan for y'all too see and see if i got change or not!
Ok, anyway, Kinwai and i left at almost 2am i think?
Then we walked out to get a cab,
and the uncle with the stray cats is still sitting there!
then i was like, "omg kinwai, that uncle's so weird leh"
Kinwai: "Maybe he is not an uncle loh..."
Ooooooh. My. God.
And by the time we got a cab,
i was like kinda half drunk, half sleepy already.
And kinwai was very very nice to walk all the way to my apartment.
I had lotsa fun!
*Note to self: Must meet up old mates more often!
...and as usual, the camwhorish me. :x

Finally can tie hair looooooh! :D
Anyway, anyone here is a fan of Maybelline's LipSmooth?

It's like my favourite favourite lipbalm ever!
And i was so so so annoyed and they discontinued it!
It's like, there's a sheer shiny tint of pink, and super moisturizing.
and the other day i found it online, wahahahah.
I bought like 4 tubes of it. :x
I know i'm super kiasu.. But Singapore discontinued already leh!
Later next time there also no more stock how?!
I was actually thinking of getting like 10 sticks loh. =/
But think again, like really TOO kiasu!
My buys for this few days!

advance hydrating serum

VitK eye circle creme

And two dresses...

Shall end this post with my cutest darling! :D

Need to wake up at 11am tomorrow to prepare
for a bloggers event, ComAsia at Expo.
I don't even know how to go Expo lah!
Going back to watch Psych Episode 13 Season 1!
Btw, show some love and leave a tag, don't be a stalker! :D
i feel like i'm talking to the wall!
Oyasumi Nasai, Loves! (:
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